Truck destroys parked Ford Explorer on Brooklyn street snow video

Out of control city tow truck destroys parked SUV on Brooklyn street video shows

A dramatic YouTube video showing a city tow truck crunching a parked SUV in snowbound Brooklyn Heights.

The caught-on-tape slam-a-thon shows a stuck front-end loader bashing into the parked vehicle as a tow truck tries to yank the loader out of a snowy parking spot.

The yellow snow-mover careens into the city owned Ford Expedition, then strikes it several more times as it lurches out of the spot.

On the way out, the plow crashes into the window of the SUV, and also sideswipes another parked car.

1 comment:

  1. This is a fake, a set up prop. People surely dont think this was real.The man filming,the tow driver,the plow guy and the owner were all in it togeather. The tow truck driver has more brains then to destroy a car as well as the snow plow driver. The person filming it was all part of the act.
